Wednesday 24 October 2012

Cheap Sports Cars for 2012

Cheap Sports Cars for 2012

Top 10 Cheap Sports Cars under $60,000

These days you do not have to shell out $100k plus to own a nice sports car. Yes, we all dream of owning and driving the high end sports carslike a Lamborghini or Ferrari. The reality is these vehicles cost more than a single family home! But there are a ton of cheap sports cars on the market for the 2012 model year and these vehicles can provide lots of tire shredding fun. Take for instance a middle of the road muscle car or a base model Corvette; these cars can accelerate as fast as many exotic cars at a fraction of the price.
The sports car line has become increasingly blurred over the past decade. In the past, the term sports car usually meant a rear wheel drive vehicle with two seats. Now there are big V-8 muscle cars, turbocharged sedans, and even some front wheel drive automobiles that are considered sports cars. This might irritate the pure enthusiast but for the rest of us, cars have been evolving for a while now. And 400 horsepower is still fun no matter the shape, size, number of seats, or engine configuration. So sit back and strap on your seat belts as we take a look some of the cheapest sports cars for 2012.