Wednesday 31 October 2012

Audi F12 E Performance Prototype 2016

Audi has been developing the R8 E-tron in order to revolutionize the electric sports car market and now they are moving on the next phase of development by teaming up with Bosch and several institutes at the RWTH Aachen University. Together, they have developed a technology platform that is a major advance for electric mobility.
The first prototype developed on this platform is the F12 e performance - a car that looks exactly like anR8 on the outside, but is purely powered by electricity. The research car is powered by three electric motors that can be controlled separately: one located at the front axle for slow driving and two at the rear axle for higher speeds. The three electric motors develop a total of 204 HP and 405 lb-ft. of torque.

The electric motors take their power from a switchable high-voltage electrical system made from two batteries, one with 144 volts and the other with 216 volts. The voltage is provided by a DC/DC converter: 200 volts for part load and 440 volts for increased power demand.
The prototype offers four basic drive functions – Park, Reverse, Neutral and Drive - all of which can be controlled via a tablet computer that can be removed from the center console.
Audi is focused on revolutionizing the electric segment and we wouldn’t doubt if their hard work eventually pays off with a solid R8 featuring the best of electric mobility technology. As of right now, the F12 is just a research vehicle, but Audi’s electric future is a definite highlight in the industry.